Washing Routine - what worked for me

Newborn-6 months: 

The flushable liners aren't as necessary, because breast-fed baby poop dissolves in the wash.  It really isn't offensive.  I used Sunlight sensitive skin, unscented, no colour.  Hot wash, cold rinse.    And I chose these options on my machine: Heavy soil, Presoak, extra rinse.

Solid food - toddler:

After he started solids and started having little man poops, I added vinegar to the rinse, or sometimes oxi-clean.  The flushable liners are key here, they make cleanup so much easier.

Now I’ve found I have to add a little bit of bleach because he is older (more bacteria  guess).  I now use Nature clean  brand- all natural.  Sometimes I use Tide or a squirt of Dawn dishsoap if they need freshening.

Washing is the same but if I have time I will do a quick cycle on cold with just vinegar, then follow it with the full cycle with soap.  This neutralizes any ammonia smell in the diapers.


Tumble dry, low.  Or clothesline when the sun comes out (line dry season is much too short here).  It is crazy how the sun is the best thing to bleach out any stains.  I didn’t believe it until I did it.  It works.