Maeva - 6 Month Portraits

July 31, 2010

Along with the sling (which I didn't mention was on clearance...and my favourite fabric choice was in my size!).  We also got some new Thirsties diaper covers from The Cloth Diaper Shop, because Maeva's growing and Anderson is totally not interested in the potty.  I love the new Thirsties duo wrap in "Blackbird", which became Maeva's wardrobe for her impromptu 6 month portraits.  Here's my smiley little girl.  And she got to steal the spotlight in these shots while Anderson napped yesterday.



July 31, 2010
Maeva is 6 months old and always wants to be in Mama's arms.  If she can see me she wants to be with me.  I know this is a normal part of development, but it can be very exhausting...especially the hourly wakings for just a little snuggle.  Or how she refuses to sit in the Bumbo to eat solids off a spoon.  She has to be on my lap eating off my finger.  I walked to the post office yesterday and our new sling had arrived. Yes!  A pouch sling that fits a bit tighter, which is way better for my back.  Now she's close enough to kiss, a good indication that we have a good fit on the sling.  And Maeva's super happy about the extra kisses and being able to play with my necklace. 


{this moment}

July 23, 2010


half birthday

July 23, 2010
My little miss mu turned a half-year today.  We celebrated the same way we did for her big brother...with blueberries.  It is great to have your half birthday in the middle of Sudbury's Blueberry Festival.  Today was the blueberry garden party at the Ukrainian seniors centre.  She had a taste of the blueberries that where on top of my crepe.  First born had a proper photo taken on his 6 month birthday...well second born, sorry girl this is the best we got: 6 months. Likely teething.  But oh so loved.

She lucked out on the blueberry eating...First born: mommy's too afraid of an instant anaphylactic reaction by introducing a berry at only 6 months. Second born: blueberries aren't actually in the same family as more allergenic stawberries, blackberries and raspberries, they're closer cousins to cranberries which are not very allergenic.  Next borns:  whatevah...he/she's been eating blueberries for months (joking.  I'm pretty big on not rushing solids).  I think Maeva will be alright... I think she's even had her share of peanut butter kisses from Anderson.

this moment - july 9

July 9, 2010
a Friday ritual


Maeva's first solids

July 9, 2010
We were eating dinner and Maeva had a little pout like she wanted something too, despite having just fed.  Since she is so close to 6 months, I thought I'd let her try something. I had bought some organic peaches and apples with the intention of making a bit of food for her, but it has been so hot.  So I mashed a little bit of ripe banana instead.  She loved it!  I heard an interview on the CBC with the author of Sprout Right and I heard this quote, not sure if it was the author herself or one of the other speakers, but it was along the lines of "food before one, is just for fun".  Looks like we'll be taking an even more relaxed approach than with Anderson.  I will try to do up batches of food, but we'll also make do with giving her a bit of what we're eating.  I know a few families who have done this and it worked quite well.  Breast milk as main source of nutrition for that first year, while trying out new foods and learning what that is all about.

Back onto the blog

June 26, 2010
Well, I've taken a little break here.  Which is okay I think.  So what if you are too busy with life to blog, right?


Summer Reading List

May 28, 2010
I'm excited for the summer reading season.  With feet in the kiddie pool,on the dock, in the gazebo by lantern light, while camping, at the beach...lots of great opportunities to make my way through some books.

Here's my nice new pile of books for the summer:

Steady Days: A Journey Toward Intentional, Professional Motherhood by Jamie C. Martin
Secret Daughter by Shili Somaya Gowda
The Help by Kathryn Stockett
The Hurried Child: Growing up too Fast too Soon by David Elkind
Unless by Carol Shields
The Orange Fish (short stories) by Carol Shields
Women, Food and God by Geneen Roth
Sippy Cups are Not for Chardonnay by Staphanie Wilder-Taylor (this is a re-read, because it is so funny and entertaining...great beach read, or multi-tasking light reading material)
As well as my magazines, Macleans, Mothering and often the Saturday Globe and Mail.
Yay Summer!!!!  Well i read in ther winter too...but it is so nice to just be outside with a book and an eye on the kids.  A fenced yard is key


this moment - may 21

May 21, 2010

joining Soulemama's "this moment"

on the dock

May 2, 2010

a brief intro.

This blog is about my journey as a mom. The struggles, the joys. My quest to navigate through my new identity, while trying to retain a bit of my old identity. It will contain useful (hopefully) info, photos of my Ander and Maeva, reflections on being a mom, as well as art, creativity, things I find inspiring.

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